The Evolis YMCKI ribbon is specific to retransfer technology. The inhibitor special coated panel (I) prevents the design from being printed on specific parts of the cards such as magnetic stripes, chips and signature panels. The areas from the card to be saved up by the transfer film are specified in the printer driver. It is possible to define up to 5 different parts on one card. This ribbon is composed by 6 panels: Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Black and Inhibitor.
We have been Dealers of Card Printer Ribbons for the past more than 27 years in the name of the company-Mindware. Semiconductors India is the brainchild of Mindware. We have all kinds of Card Printer Ribbons for all Card Printers.
- Capable of printing with a 600 dpi resolution, this ribbon can print images, text or micro-text in high definition.
- The inhibitor panel makes YMCKI ribbon compatible with cards with magnetic stripe, signature panel or chip
- Tested and validated by Evolis R&D and Quality departments, these consumables bring you printing quality and reliability.