
Thyristors are fascinating four-layer semiconductor devices that act as controlled switches for high power applications. Unlike transistors, which can amplify or switch small signals, thyristors handle large currents and voltages, making them essential for controlling power in various industries. Let's delve into the world of thyristors and their diverse types:

Basic Function:

In their simplest form, thyristors have three terminals: anode (positive), cathode (negative), and gate (control). When the anode voltage exceeds a certain threshold and a pulse is applied to the gate, the thyristor switches from a blocking state to a conducting state, allowing current to flow freely between the anode and cathode. This "latching" behavior means the thyristor remains on even after the gate pulse is removed, making it ideal for controlling power flow in circuits.

We at Semiconductors India deal in all kinds of Thyristors for various Business needs. Our clients are from Industries such as Automation, Optical, Wearable Technology, Navigation, Home Automation, Chemical, Automotive, Agriculture and many more.

Buy Thyristors at best price from Semiconductors India on the number 9717122688 and mail id semiconductorsindia@gmail.com


Types of Thyristors:

The diverse capabilities of thyristors come from their variations in turn-on and turn-off mechanisms, categorized into:

  • Thyristors with turn-on capability:
    • Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR): The most common type, requiring a gate pulse to turn on but remaining on until the current falls below a certain level. Used in motor control, power supplies, and lighting control.
    • Bidirectional Triac (TRIAC): Can conduct current in both directions, making it suitable for AC applications like light dimmers and motor control.
  • Thyristors with turn-off capability:
    • Gate Turn-Off Thyristor (GTO): Can be turned off by applying a negative pulse to the gate, offering fast switching and precise control. Used in high-frequency inverters and traction drives.
    • MOS-Controlled Thyristor (MCT): Uses a MOS gate for turn-off, offering smaller size and lower switching losses compared to GTOs. Used in power supplies and motor drives.
  • Other specialized types:
    • Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor (IGCT): Combines GTO and driver circuitry in a single package for efficient and compact high-power switching.
    • Light-Activated SCR (LASCR): Turns on when exposed to light, useful for isolated control applications.


Thyristors find applications in various fields due to their ability to handle high power and control its flow:

  • Power Conversion: Used in AC/DC and DC/AC converters for power supplies, battery chargers, and renewable energy systems.
  • Motor Control: Used to control the speed and direction of electric motors in industrial applications, electric vehicles, and traction drives.
  • Lighting Control: Used in dimmers and lighting control systems for buildings and stage lighting.
  • Heating and Welding: Used in industrial heating applications and arc welding equipment.



We, at Semiconductors India, provide following types of Thyristors:

  1. Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
  2. Bidirectional Triac (TRIAC)
  3. Gate Turn-Off Thyristor (GTO)
  4. MOS-Controlled Thyristor (MCT)
  5. Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor (IGCT)
  6. Light-Activated SCR (LASCR)
  7. Thyristors for Power Conversion
  8. Thyristors for Motor Control
  9. Thyristors for Lighting Control
  10. Thyristors for Heating and Welding


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