Transformer is a device that transfers electric energy from one alternating-current circuit to one or more other circuits, either increasing (stepping up) or reducing (stepping down) the voltage. Transformers are employed for widely varying purposes; e.g., to reduce the voltage of conventional power circuits to operate low-voltage devices, such as doorbells and toy electric trains, and to raise the voltage from electric generators so that electric power can be transmitted over long distances.
We at Semiconductors India deal in all kinds of Transformers for various Business needs. Our clients are from Industries such as Automation, Optical, Wearable Technology, Navigation, Home Automation, Chemical, Automotive, Agriculture and many more.
Get the best price for the Transformers from Semiconductors India on the number 9717122688 and mail id
We, at Semiconductors India, provide following types of Transformers:
- Pulse Transformers
- Current Sense Transformers
- Accessories
- Power Transformers
- Miscellaneous Transformers
- Specialty Transformers
- Audio Transformers
- Isolated, Non-Isolated – Step Up Down Autotransformer
- Switching Converter, SMPS Transformers